A chest was buried under a tree root with exactly $10,000 inside of it. A man dug the ground and managed to bring out the chest to the sun. But when he checked inside the chest, what he saw inside was $100! How come?

Riddles have long been an intriguing form of mental challenge, often requiring us to unravel hidden meanings or think beyond the obvious. The classic riddle involving a chest buried under a tree root presents an apparent contradiction: a chest supposedly containing $10,000 yields only $100 upon inspection. But beneath this puzzling scenario lies a mathematical solution waiting to be unearthed.

The Solution:

At first glance, this riddle seems confounding. It prompts us to question the discrepancy between the expected amount within the chest and the actual amount discovered. However, this riddle cleverly employs symbolism, where the "tree root" represents the square root in the realm of mathematics.

The clue to resolving this riddle lies in the symbolic representation of the tree root. In mathematics, the square root of a number is denoted by the radical symbol (√). In this case, the chest hidden under the tree root signifies the square root.

Therefore, if the chest is buried under a "tree root" and contains $10,000, it symbolically represents the square of a number: √($10,000). The square root of $10,000 is $100.

Mathematically: 10000=100

The Interpretation:

By interpreting the riddle mathematically, the apparent contradiction is reconciled. The chest does indeed contain the expected amount, $10,000, when seen through the lens of square roots. Upon inspection, finding $100 inside aligns with the mathematical representation of the square root.


The chest buried under the tree root riddle demonstrates the fusion of logic and symbolism, where the seemingly cryptic scenario conceals a simple mathematical solution. By recognizing the tree root as the representation of a square root, the discrepancy in the amounts becomes a mathematical revelation.

Solving riddles isn’t just about finding answers; it’s about engaging in the art of creative problem-solving. Embrace the challenge, delve into the symbolic depths, and uncover the hidden solutions lurking within.

So, the next time a riddle perplexes you, remember to look beyond the words, apply different perspectives, and let mathematics guide you through the maze of mystery.

Happy puzzling!